Creates and produces project metadata into an IBRAP S4 class object
createIBRAPobject(counts = counts, original.project = 'project_1', = df, min.cells = 3, min.features = 200)
Counts matrix
Character string naming the project
data.frame of extra metadata to append to generated dataframe. Warning: Must be in the same order and colnames
Numerical value of the minimum number of cells a gene should be present in
Numerical value minimum features that should be present in a cell
Logical. Should function information be printed?
IBRAP S4 class object containing raw counts and metadata
object <- createIBRAPobject(counts = counts, = metadata_df,
original.project = 'bmmc',
min.cells = 3,
min.features = 200)
#> Error in as.matrix(x = counts): object 'counts' not found