Performs BBKNN integration on defined method-assays and reductions contained within. This is performed on reductions.
reduction, = "",
approx = FALSE,
metric = "euclidean",
neighbors_within_batch = 3,
n_pcs = NULL,
trim = NULL,
annoy_n_trees = 10,
use_faiss = TRUE,
set_op_mix_ratio = 1,
local_connectivity = 1,
generate.diffmap = FALSE,
n_comps = 15, = "",
verbose = FALSE,
seed = 1234
IBRAP S4 class object
Character. String containing indicating which assay to use
Character. String defining the name of the reduction to provide for BBKNN. Default = NULL
Character. Should a suffix be added to the end of bbknn as the graph name, i.e. parameter changes?
Character. Column name in metadata indicating batch. Can be multiple.
Character. Employs annoy's approximate neighbour finding. Useful for large datasets but may increase correction.
Numerical. How many neighbours to report per batch. Default = 3
Numerical. Range of principal components to use. Default = NULL
Numerical. Trims the n of neighbours per cell to this value. Helps with population independence. Default = NULL
Numerical. Number of trees to generate in annoy forest. More trees provides higher precision at the cost of increased resource demand and run time. Default = 10
Boolean. Uses faiss package to compute nearest neighbour, this improves run time at the cost of precision. Default = TRUE
Numerical. UMAP connectivity parameter between 0 and 1. controls the blen d between a connectivity matrix formed exclusively from mutual nearest neighbour pairs (0) and a union of all observed neighbour relationships with the mutual pairs emphasised (1). Default = 1.0
Numerical. How many nearest neighbours of each cell are assumed to be fully connected. Default = 1
Boolean. Should diffusion maps be generated from the neighourhood graphs, these will be stored in computational_reductions and can be used for umap generation and further neighbourhood generation. Default = TRUE
Numerical. How many components should be generated for the diffusion maps. Default = 15
Logical Should function messages be printed?
Numerical What seed should be set. Default = 1234
Character. Which distance metric to use when approx is TRUE, options: 'angular', 'euclidean', 'manhattan' or 'hamming'. Default = 'euclidean'
Character. Should a suffix be added to the end of bbknn:diffmap as the reduction name, i.e. parameter changes?
BBKNN connectivity graph contained in graphs in the indicated method-assays