Seurat subclustering
algorithm = 1,
res = 0.6,
verbose = FALSE,
seed = 1234,
An IBRAP S4 class object
Character. Which assay within the object to access
Character. Which cluster_assignments dataframe to access
Character. Which column to access within the cluster_assignment dataframe
Which cluster(s) would you like to subcluster
Character. String indicating which neighbourhood graphs should be used.
Numerical. Algorithm for modularity optimization (1 = original Louvain algorithm; 2 = Louvain algorithm with multilevel refinement; 3 = SLM algorithm; 4 = Leiden algorithm). Leiden requires the leidenalg python. Default = 1 Default = NULL
Numerical vector. Which resolution to run the clusterign algorithm at, a smaller and larger value identified less and more clusters, respectively. Default = c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5)
Logical Should function messages be printed?
Numeric. What should the seed be set as. Default = 1234
arguments to be passed to Seurat::FindClusters
Character. What to call the df contained in clusters. Default = 'seurat
A new column within the defined cluster_assignment dataframe containing original and new subclusters
object <- perform.graph.subclustering(object = object, assay = 'SCT',
clust.method = 'pca',
column = 'neighbourhood_graph_res.0.7', clusters = c(1,5,9),
neighbours = 'pca_nn:', algorithm = 1)
#> Error in is(object, "IBRAP"): object 'object' not found