Performs Harmony integration on defined method-assays and reductions contained within. This is performed on reductions.
reduction = "pca", = "",
dims.use = NULL,
print.harmony.plot = FALSE,
seed = 1234,
verbose = FALSE,
IBRAP S4 class object
Character. String containing indicating which assay to use
Character. A string of the column nmae that contains variables to regress.
Character. String defining the name of the reduction to provide for HARMONY. Default = 'pca'
Character. What should be appended to the end of harmony as the reduction name
Numerical. Number of dimensions of the provided reduction to input into harmony, NULL equates to all dimensions. Default = NULL
Boolean. Should the automatically generated plot be printed? Default = FALSE
<<<<<<< HEAD
Numeric. What should the seed be set as. Default = 1234
======= >>>>>>> 810d7c0084d3f20c6f22b5e0fc8fff0259de0f1d
Logical Should function messages be printed?
Arguments to be passed to harmony::HarmonyMatrix
PCA reductions contained within the computational_reduction list in the defined assays