A new method-assay is produced. Raw counts are normalised and HVGs identified using Scran
assay = "RAW",
slot = "counts",
batch = NULL, = NULL,
do.scale = TRUE, = TRUE,
new.assay.suffix = "",
n.genes = 1500,
max.cluster.size = 1000,
center_size_factors = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
seed = 1234,
IBRAP S4 class object
Character. String containing indicating which assay to use
Character. String indicating which slot within the assay should be sourced
Character. Which column in the metadata defines the batches. Default = NULL
Character. Which column in the metadata should be regressed. Default = NULL
Boolean. Whether to scale the features variance. Default = TRUE
Boolean. Whether to centre features to zero. Default = TRUE
Character. What should be added as a suffix for SCRAN
Numerical. Top number of genes to retain when finding HVGs. Default = 1500
Numerical. When performing quickCluster, what is the maximum size the clusters can be. Default = 1000
Boolean Should size factor variance be centred. Default = TRUE
Logical Should function messages be printed?
Numerical What seed should be set. Default = 1234
Arguments to pass to Seurat::ScaleData
Produces a new 'methods' assay containing normalised, scaled and HVGs.
object <- perform.scran(object = object,
assay = 'RAW',
slot = 'counts', = 'RAW_total.counts', do.scale = T)
#> Error in is(object = object, class2 = "IBRAP"): object 'object' not found