Removes doublets from dataset.
perform.scrublet(counts = counts, expected_doublet_rate = 0.025)
Counts matrix
Total number of cells. NULL = automatically counts.
Number of doublets to simulate relative to observed
Expected number of neighbours per cell
Expected percentage of doublets to be present in the dataset
Uncertainty in expected doublet rate
Random state for doublet simulation, approximate nearest neighbour search, nd PCA/Truncated PCA
Sampling rate for UMIs in a cell when synthesising doublets
Use approximate nearest neighbor method `(annoy)` for the KNN classifier
Define distance metric for nearest neighbour calculation: 'angular', 'euclidean', 'manhattan', 'hamming', 'dot'.
return the transcriptomes of the parent cells for simulated doublets
Minimum counts per cell
Minimum number of cells per gene
Variability cutoff when deducing highly variable genes prior to PCA reduction
Log transforms the data
Should the dataset be centred around the mean
Should the genes have a total variance of 1
Number of principal components to retain
Character. Which SVD solver to use: 'auto', 'full', 'arpack', 'randomized'.
Logical. Should doublet plots be printed ? Default = FALSE
Logical. Should function information be printed to hte terminal? Default = FALSE
Numerical. What seed should be be set. Default = 1234
Boolean. Should the automatically genewrated plot be saved? Default = TRUE
Doublet-omitted sparse matrix
object <- perform.scrublet(counts = counts)
#> Error in is(object = counts, class2 = "matrix"): object 'counts' not found