Performs SCTransform normalisation, hvg selection, scaling and variance stabilisation and regression.
assay = "RAW",
slot = "counts",
new.assay.suffix = "",
verbose = FALSE,
seed = 1234,
IBRAP S4 class object
A character string containing indicating which assay to use
String indicating which slot within the assay should be sourced
Character. What should be added as a suffix for SCT
Logical Should function messages be printed?
Numerical What seed should be set. Default = 1234
Whether to scale residuals to have unit variance; default is FALSE
Whether to center residuals to have mean zero; default is TRUE
Character. Which data from `object@sample_metadata` should be regressed from the dataset.
Numerical value of how many highly variable genes should be retained. Default = 1500
Numerical value of minimum cells required for a gene to not be filtered. Default = 3
Produces a new 'methods' assay containing normalised, scaled and HVGs.
object <- perform.sct(object = object,
assay = 'RAW',
slot = 'counts')
#> Error in is(object = object, class2 = "IBRAP"): object 'object' not found