SingleR iterates through singular cells and iterates through probabilitiy comparisons to identify which cell type the query cell is likely to be. If a probably cell type cannot be discovered then
assay = "RAW",
slot = "counts",
log.transform.query = TRUE,
tpm.transform.query = FALSE,
log.transform.ref = TRUE,
tpm.transform.ref = FALSE,
column.suffix = "1",
verbose = FALSE,
seed = 1234,
IBRAP S4 class object
Character. String containing indicating which assay to use
Character. String indicating which slot within the assay should be sourced
AnyMatrix. A matrix of the reference datasets, if data is end-bias then it should be log normalised, if it is full-length then it requires tpm normalisation. Both can be completed within this function.
Vector. The cluster assignments for the reference data. Default = NULL
Character. A suffix to append the end of the new metadata columns if this functiuons is to be used multiple times. Default = '1'
Logical Should function messages be printed?
Numeric. What should the seed be set as. Default = 1234
arguments to be passed to singleR::SingleR
Boolean. Should the reference data be log transformed. Default = TRUE
Boolean. Should the reference data be tpm normalised. Default = FALSE
Produces a new 'methods' assay containing normalised, scaled and HVGs.
object <- perform.singleR.annotation(object = object, ref = reference_matrix, ref.labels = metadata_reference$celltype)
#> Error in is(object, "IBRAP"): object 'object' not found