Plots the results of the slingshot analysis using ggplots2
# S3 method for slingshot
clusters = NULL,
lineages = FALSE,
pt_size = 0.1,
line_size = 0.1,
relevant = FALSE,
Pseudotime = FALSE,
Expression = FALSE,
object = NULL,
assay = NULL,
slot = "norm.scaled",
feature = NULL,
A SlingshotDataSet class results object
Vector. A vector of clusters to use in ggplot, if NULL the clusters used to generate results will be used. Default = NULL
Boolean. Should the direct lineages be applied or curving, TRUE = curves, FALSE = lineages. Default = FALSE
Numerical. What size should the cell points be. Default = 0.1
Numerical. What size should the lineage lines be. Default = 0.1
Should only pseudotime relevant cells be plotted. Default = TRUE
arguments to be passed to ggplot::geom_point
Character. Name the graph. Default = NULL
Boolean. Whether the clusters within a lineage should be labelled, note this only works for lineages and not curves. Default = TRUE
A ggplot of the reduced cellular embbedings and trajectories.